Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Be prepared for an overwhelming amount of cliches.

I want to live a better life. Because all my pieces are here I just have to put them together. I have my career and I'm able to do what I love and in the area I love. I have a great boyfriend who does amazing things for me. He supports me, makes sure my needs and wants are provided for. He works so hard to make sure my bucket is full. He has great parents that have accepted me and made me feel more welcome and loved than family.
I think we all need to live a more appreciative life. And not take the things we assume will always be there for granted. I know my stars can change in but a moment. So I have to learn to enjoy the moment instead of worrying about the future or the past as I unfortunately tend to do. It prevents me from moving forward I've learned. Every day is a gift and I need to remember that more and apply it to every area of my life.
At work, I need to slow down and take a moment and talk to my patients. I've learned to be very fast at what I do. Ask the right questions and my skills improve every shift. But it was getting to the point my patients were just like cattle that I was herding through the hospital. They all get their initial assessment and treatment and shipped off to the next area. At my old job which I loved. The patients were awful. No please or thank you's, just insults. They almost seemed to be like unruly customers on black Friday demanding service. But if I took the time to talk to them and joke with them. Just take a minute to stand there and listen. They understood why I was so busy but would take the time to get my job done right. Even the rudest patient could sense my effort and respond with an equal amount of effort to get through the process as painless as possible.
As for my love life...as hard and as juvenile as it may seem. Everyday should be like the first date. To be witty and beautiful. Easy going and fun. Every day isn't about the honey-do list and the bills we pay or what's for dinner. It's about making the butterflies last and to see that sparkle in their eyes. Just because we make a choice to love and be with someone doesn't mean at some point that choice could change or the choice becomes a regret. I never want that to happen. I never want to get tired or become tiring.
I appreciate all I have. I could not ask for more.